Mani Ratnam (who had given better films like Mouna Ragam, Nayakan, Geetanjali and Anjali before) 2.
And this movie created that awareness amongst the public there, and its success encouraged many other films to be dubbed in Hindi. Movies from the South have always been better in content and form compared to the North. The North, that usually gets all the media hype & coverage in spite of poor techniques and stories got a slap on its face when this Tamil movie was dubbed in Hindi, to enable the larger population to watch this film with a topical theme (of Kashmiri militancy). Roja is a film that many feel has been a turning point in Indian cinema. The music is an early, often charming ("Dil hai chhota sa") score by A. Also on-screen chemistry between Arvind and Madhoo is fabulous. Acting is solid, especially from Pankaj Kapoor as the terrorist leader, but also from Arvind Swamy as Rishi (except perhaps when he goes into patriotic overdrive). Apart from this one quibble I think it's a good movie that you should really see, especially I've you've seen Mani Ratnam's other films. The only problem that I have with this movie are a small handful of scenes in which Indian patriotism is showcased in what I felt was a rather blunt manner (but then, coming from a different country, I may lack some essential cultural background to understand it). the larger scale of politics is dealt with intensely (the scene where the Colonel tells Roja that "everyone is happy" is simply chilling), and even the interplay of the kidnapped and the terrorists works out really well, even if it seems sometimes that Rishi Kumar was lucky ending up with these rather than more ruthless people.

government authorities and individual desires vs.

While not quite as accomplished as the later movies, he develops a very simple story of a young married couple, the subsequent kidnapping of the husband and the wife's attempts to persuade the authorities to help free him into a well-rounded movie that works on almost all levels that it encompasses: The love relationship between the two main characters is credible and well-handled the struggle of the individual citizen vs. He apologizes for not being able to marry Mano as he is a tight corner to marry somebody else for the sake of his sister's marriage.This is the first movie of what was to become director Mani Ratnam's "political trilogy" ("Bombay" and "Dil Se" being the movies to follow). Finishing his job assignment Sriram returns only to give yet another family responsibility as an excuse. They both leave their parents and Ilangostarts earning to support Mano.

At this juncture Mano and Ilango lie that they are already married. Meanwhile Rekha arranges for Bhoomika to get married to Vijay Adhiraj for his wealth.

Ilango swallows his love secret for the sake of friendship. Before he leaves, he tells Ilango that Mano and himself are in love and asks Ilango to look after his lover until he is back. With the responsibilities of a brother to get his sisters married Sriram leaves for Libya on a job received through Srikanth's parents. He falls in love with Mano who also eventually happens to reside opposite their house with her loud-mouthed sub-inspector Mom, Rekha. Ilango is the only son of Radhika and Raghuvaran who is interested in anything but his academics. Roja Kootam movie is all about Ilango (Srikanth) and Sriram (Ajay) who are best friends.